Working as a Black Cab Driver

Black cabs are everywhere in London and if you live there then you might have considered becoming a black cab driver.

If you have considered this career move then below is a guide to help you get started, including the things you’ll need as well as the pros and cons of the job.

What you need

  • A taxi drivers licence – In order to work as a black cab driver, you’ll need to get the right type of taxi drivers licence. In this case you’ll want to apply for public hire taxi drivers licence since black cabs can be hailed from the street and display a ‘taxi’ sign. Private hire licences are for mini cab and Uber drivers.
  • A vehicle – Of course you’ll need a vehicle in order to work. You can either rent or own your cab depending on your preference and financial situation.
  • Taxi insurance – You’ll also need to get the right type of taxi insurance. There are two main types of taxi insurance – public hire and private hire taxi insurance. As a black cab driver you’ll want to get public hire insurance.


  • You meet new people all the time – If you’re a sociable person and love meeting new people then working as a taxi driver could be the perfect job for you. You’ll meet new people all the time and from all walks of life.
  • You’re not stuck behind a desk – Another big pro of working as a black cab driver is that you’re not stuck behind a desk for 8 hours a day. That being said you are sat down for the majority of the time so it wouldn’t necessarily be considered an active job although you get a lot more stimulation that simply working at a computer.


  • Can be a stressful job – It probably goes without saying that driving for a living in London can be quite stressful at times. Despite the dedicated bus and taxi lanes, there’s still plenty to contend with so you have to have your wits about you at all times.
  • The costs can mount up – The costs of working as a taxi driver can be quite high when you take into account maintenance costs, fuel and taxi insurance.